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about the sparkle

Sparkle House

​In September of 2019, Jennifer Taylor, purchased an abandoned home in Gary and rehabbed it to be her art studio.  ​


In the spring of 2020 the exterior was painted and covered with sparkly jewelry and bits of mirror - all donated from generous members of the community, friends and family. 




The Sparkle House, it's eclectic garden and Greenhouse, hope to serve as inspiration for the community who are welcome to visit the garden anytime. To view the private interior, sign up to be notified of OPEN HOUSE EVENTS.

This video is about 16 min. long but will show you the before and after if you're curious.

about us

Purchase Joseph Pete's book on Amazon at

video courtesy  Lily McNally

 FRONT PAGE of the NWI Times 

They call me, The Mayor
but when I'm bad, I'm Waffles

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